Today I held another Scrum & Kanban seminar with Dokkan. This time we were at a different location and the 18th floor of Höfðatorg. THe room was not a spacious as last year at Nauthóll but the view was great 😉

Slides has changed to and I didn’t get to updating them as I wanted to…it was just a minur update to the slides where I replaced much of the Scrum part with the slides from my talk at the University of Iceland the week before where I had managed to put in some of my drawings 😉

I asked everybody at the start to write down the expectations people had to have some understanding of what we wanted to achieve.

Scrum vs. Kanban
The Scrum part of the seminar was dominant and I ran out of time to go deep into Kanban 😐 There were some points about that in the retro that might help with the next version of the seminar =)

Open Space vs. Retro
No Open Space this time around…I really like those but I put in a simple retrospective at the end and there were some great things that shined through there…I’ve taken those pointers for me to work on the future of this course.

Participants were very pleased and so was I.

Thanks everybody for a great day and good ideas.