I gave a talk at UTMessan 2015 titles „Spilar þú Agile leikinn“ which would translate to „Do you play the Agile Game“. I touched on a lot of stuff I like and mostly Gamification. The point of the talk was that we need to learn the game and play it (a lot) to fully capture it and change it. The game here being the Agile game we play…but we could swap that with any „game“ we like 😉

In Icelandic I used the word „Leikjafræði“ which is used for „Game theory“…and one attendee pointed that out me after the talk…I totally got his point since guests did only get the title of the talk to figure out what was being presented and I hope that will be better next year. I myself to like to read at least a couple of sentences to know what the point of the talk is going to be.

I asked a good friend that attended what he though and he was worried the first moments but then he said I pulled if off. And I was a bit worried since I had been told I could walk around but there was only the mike on the lectern so I was pretty immobilised and did have to skip some parts that I had planned.

It’s really great they now have video recording of all the talks. I havn’t watched all of mine but I feel like I was trying to get over a lot… and I guess I was.
My plan was to have a maximum of 10 slides…but they seemed to enjoy each other and multiply like rabbits when I was planning. One of the hard part was to try to fit this all in 30 minutes.

I general I was pretty pleased and everybody who I talked to about it was pleased or even inspired…a word I really like =)