This is a little digital heaven for Agile stuff I like to keep in once place and I don’t wan’t to blend it with my private blog.

I do enjoy a beer in the sun, and pizza in the night…amongst many other things I like to do in my personal time, if you need to find out more about me you can find all kinds of stuff I leave around at my website:

My formal Scrum certifications:

Logo-2013-CSM-259x90I really enjoyed Alistair Cockburn seminar and he made quite an impression with his honest opinions and critiques that made people question a lot of things 😉


SCR20146-Logos-Final-RGB-CSPOJeff Patton held the Passionate Product Ownership seminar I attended and I was very pleased that I got him…always liked his work.
Other mentions

I own one little piece of Management 3.0 that I’ve always liked since I attended the M3 Workout Book Tour when Jurgen Appelo came to Iceland in 2014.